The Mercury World

Monday, June 16, 2008

A day in the life of a tai-tai with the Swiss gals

Went out the last Wed with some of the Swiss gals. Wx was back in town for the week, Kat was on MC, Jas was talked into taking half the day off, and of course me, the slacker. Been a long long time (and the first time for this combi) since we went out lunching and shopping on a weekday (in the day too). We went crazy eating and shopping as you can see from the pics (didn’t manage to pose with our pretty pink plastic bags though). Kat says we resemble the gals from the ‘Sex and the City’ movie (especially with our pink plastic bags), and was trying to give each of us a character name. I think we didn’t finish naming ourselves though. The group pic was taken by this guy who was watching us trying to self-take ourselves with the timer function while balancing the camera on the opposite table.
Well, it’s gonna be a long long time for a weekday outing to happen again (pity the other gals couldn't make it). What with me leaving for UK, Jas who might be off to Macau to work (if she gets the casino job and of course if she accepts the job) and Wx who is also working in Aus. Sob sob. Good time always flies by. Well at least we have the pics and memories. I’ll sure miss these gals as well as the other gals who couldn’t make it. After all, these were my growing up friends.

Our fabulous lunch spread. Thats excluding the meat bao..

Wx and me with our lunch spread.

Jas and me with our xiao long bao.

Wx and Kat with a widespread of food. That's just lunch of course.

Wx is trying some hair product on Jas.

Yucks! That wax was sticky and slimy. And Wx put that on Jas hair? Look at her innocent expression.

After all that shopping and muacking around wit the hair wax, it's time for a teabreak and rest that aching legs.

What's Kat grumbling about?

Oh! That's because we told her it's picture time before food. That greedy gal.

The 3 gals who might be leaving for Macau, working in Aus and leaving for the UK.

How did Jas managed to have smaller eyes than Kat and myself when we were trying to hard to lose to her? Guess what? She blinked....

Kat, me and Jas with our normal-sized eyes.

Wx and me with our tea.

A final group picture (which a kind soul took for us). For our 'remember that day?' time when we go down memory lane.


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