The Mercury World

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It has finally snowed in Notts. Ok probably the whole of UK. My first snow experience in the UK. When I first looked out my window at 3pm, I just saw white fluff floating around and didn’t realized it was actually really snowing. I just assumed there were just light fluffy snow aka flurries. And next when I looked out at 6.30pm, there were some snow covering certain parts of the road outside my house and also of course the cars (mine included). Another first I encountered on the same day, a blackout. The whole street experienced a blackout at about 11pm or so and probably lasted 30mins or so. When the lights went out, me and my hsemate peeped out the window in the front room trying to decide if it was just us who tripped the circuit. That’s where I realized it had been snowing really hard. Wow. The whole street was white and the cars were buried with snow. Cool… it looked so pretty. Power failure also made us realized how much of our technology rely on electricity. No lights, no TV, no internet even. Gosh .. we were actually thinking that if the power failure last too long we would have to resort to eating the ice-cream in the freezer out in the street. Haha.. to prevent it from melting of course. Or we could just bury it in the snow. Might work too. Anyway we decided the only game we could probably play with just the 2 of us would be battleship. So while we were drawing our grids and plotting our respective battleship plan, the electricity came back. I have to say its pretty efficient for being in the UK.
So, thru the nite the snow continued and the prettiest sight greeted me in the morning. Trees covered in snow. Cars and roads covered in snow. Hse and walkway covered in snow. So were driveways. And it was still snowing hard. Cool! When I got out of the hse, I couldn’t resist taking a pic of my street and of course my poor car. The good thing about snow? It doesn’t ice up the car and the wipers can just push the snow off the windscreen and we are off. The bad thing? Its really challenging to drive on snow. Till you get to the main streets when its salted and therefore snow-free. It definitely was a cool cool experience. So safely got to uni, park the car (couldn’t tell if I took just one lot or more as the white lines were cover with white snow). But hey, who’s gonna blame me. Walk the short distance to the building in the snow and pretty much stayed indoors admiring the snow fall and the pretty site it made while worrying that we might get snowed in and stuck in the building. I rather get snowed in at home of course. Its really amusing to see the undergrads attempt to have a snowfight with the few cm of snow we had. And when all else fail, they gather their ammunition from the windscreens of the cars parked nearby. Oh good on them, clearing the snow from our car. We did have a good laugh from the view we had on the 3rd level looking down at them. And of course some who couldn’t resist and took their hp to take a pic of themselves with snow. Ah.. what and exciting day…. So enjoy the pretty pics….

How my roof looks at 6.30pm.

The street where I live.

Still at 6.30pm.
It's still 6.30pm.

Now its 12.30am. Just past midnight and the Battleship contest is over and the power has since returned.

A close-up view of snow at 12.30am.

Footsteps in the snow. Just about enough snow for footprints to show. Footprints beling to my neighbour. I prefer to keep warm indoors.

Snow at 12.30am.

The same view but about 9 hours later at 9am. After 1 nite of snowfall. It looks so much prettier in the light.

My snow-covered car.

My car in the street. The empty void was a car which drove out of the driveway.

Hiding from the cold inside my car. See the snow?

The snow-covered street where I live. It looks really really pretty doesn't it?

The start of my street with the main road in the background. Its all white I know.


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