The Mercury World

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Home Sweet Home

I know I know haven't posted for a long long while. Have been sick the last few days and also busy with packing and moving thats y. Last week was with family in adelaide and brissy and the week b4 was slacking and too lazy to write. Actually I wrote but timed out so lost all that I wrote. Sort of pissed me off then. Ok enough of excuses. Prob will not be posting much till I get back to Sg on sat anyway. Yes! U have not read it wrongly. For those who have waiting for this day since I dunno when, *drum roll* I'm coming home this Sat. Finally... I know. Yes also done with studying for now anyway. Anyway not much to write too with this stupid cough irritating the heck out of me. Okie so keep coming back cos I would post the pics of my adelaide trip and also my grad pic soon. Also anyone who wants to meet up b4 I leave Brissy or those who wanna meet when i get back let me know ok? For everyone's info, I still using the same hp no in Sg. Yes thats the one if u still have me in your phone book cos I only ever had one no. So everyone take care, I'll miss everyone from Brissy. Looking fw to all in Sg. Cheers.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Happy one day, sad the next

Was going to write about other stuff on my blog today. But the news is basically filled with the bombing in London. It comes just one day after London was announced as the host for Olympic 2012. Imagine what would have happened if this bombing happened even a day earlier? Would the voting still continue on? Would London still be the host nation? Stopping to wonder, whats wrong with the world? Is this the natural way to get rid of mankind? Why is that man never learn from history? Is all this violence really necessary? Is the death of so many innocent people, some of whom are tourist, really worth in this tick-for-tack world? Its horrible looking at the pictures from London. People all bleeding and bandaged. A double-decker bus becomes a single-decker bus. Scary scene.
Away from the national news and back into my life. Kind of looking forward to going back home for good. I know I will miss this place when I eventually go home. Gotten used to the life here. It would be sad to leave all my friends behind here and also the people in my lab. But going home, everyones there. Family and friends. Reckon its still home and prob where my life and heart is. Suddenly missing my life back home too. Guess its just the time to go home thats all. Afterall, I have been here for almost 2 and half yrs. Everytime I go back I realized that regardless of how much I have enjoyed my life here, I still miss all the time with my friends. Everyone have moved on with their lives too.
Have also been feeling very stressed out and tired emotional. I suddenly just felt that I want to get out of Brissy. Too much going on these days. I just feel like everyone around me is making me emotionally taxing. Regardless of which gp of friends I hang around with, where I turn, I get this feeling. Its not that I don't like to offer a listening ear to others, I know Singaporeans here should all stick together and help one another out. But its come to a point where I'm really tired. Also there are people here who make me feel like I have to be selective as to what I say and do. I get questioned for things that I say. It becomes a very confrontational atmosphere and I start feeling very defensive and aggressive too. I kinda feel like I am living in Big Brother house. Thats just how I feel about my life now. Maybe all these feelings come about from all the problems that I have to face with everything that I have to do to settle things here before I go home. Simple things like selling the car to settling the house and all these stuff that just put a strain on my mood I guess. I really need to go for a holiday and looking forward to my family coming over next week and out trip to Adelaide.
So is this strange mood that I am feeling due to the reason that I am going home? Maybe subconciously I am feeling a certain feeling that I have not identified? So many questions and no answers.

Bryon Bay

Bryon Bay - The most easternly point of the Australia Mainland

Don't ask what I was looking at

Look at the beautiful beach at Bryon Bay

Cape Bryon Lighthouse

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Found out when we were trying to sell our car the other day that our car which was with us for the past 10 months was still not transferred to our name but was still stuck in the name of our dealer. And after 2 days the stupid dealer is still taking their time to solved this prob and not calling back when they promised to. So my conclusion is that this is not a trust-worthy dealer as they charge you for the transfer fee and all but don't do the job. Also the bloody secretary who does all the paperwork only works half day. For those who wanna buy a car is Brissy and wonder which dealer it is, I can't reveal the name. But this particular dealer is in Chemside and has this banner that days Cars under $10000. And its like 2 junctions away from the shopping center. The transport dept is another place to collect money without asking ques but when you need their help they give you so much shit. They allowed us to renew our rego when the car is not in our name but when u asked them for the rego cert they insist the car was not in our name and created a really big scene. Y didn't they tell us that when we renew our rego? Stupid isn't it? Was going out for dinner the other day when we realised that our garage door was stuck. We sort of pushed it shut right past the metal piece that was holding the door in place. So we with the help of Siok Hwee tried to pull it our again and also tried to hammer the metal piece out of the way but to no avail. Called our rental agency on Sat and lucky for us they fixed the problem on the same day. All I can say is that our agency solves maintainance prob really quick for when you need the agency to do stuff like paperwork for you they take forever like months. Weird isn't it?
Someone told me last year that she doesn't really want people to know certain things from other's mouth. I know I make this statement sound really complicated, but I can't uncomplicate it cos this certain person might be reading it. So continuing on. She rather people ask her straight and for me/others not to tell other pple the answer to this specific ques when they asked. But now shes doing this same thing to others. The same thing that she doesn't want pple to know, she is spreading it around for others. Not that we have been asking around for these answers but shes just volunteering these answers. So the next time you accuse pple of gossiping remember this, you are doing it too. I guess I confused everyone reading this and it doesn't make sense and even this certain person would not be know what I am talking bout, but hey I just wanted to put this into words thats all. All I can say is that treat others the way you wanna be treated. And if certain incident happen again, stop and think, have you done it first yourself, to others? Some may not mind others spreading information about themselves to others, doesn't mean it goes the same of all. Some of us would rather make announcements, or tell information about ourselves to pple and wouldn't like others like this specific person to do the honours for us.